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Baytown Housing Authority Logo

A Message from the Executive Director

It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to the residents, staff and the many community partners I have worked with for the past 25 years.  I have loved my job as Executive Director and we have experienced such joy and weathered many storms together over the years.  We have moved our office, built two new developments and we are currently planning a third project.  We demolished and sold some old and aging units to make way for new and energy efficient homes for our families.  

It has always been a passion of mine to help those less fortunate and to ensure as many people as possible can have a safe and secure place to call home.  Housing assistance is truly hard to achieve and takes many years on our waiting list, but when the day came for our participants, I loved seeing the smiling faces!  The families were now looking to a brighter future and new ways to reach their goals of self-sufficiency.  

The Baytown Housing Authority has grown over the years and will continue to grow and be a pivotal part of ensuring the low-income families in our community have a place to call home.  Baytown is growing and changing, and the BHA wants to be a part of the expansion and growth that will make our town the best it can possibly be!  

I would like to introduce our new Executive Director, Mr. David Cortez.  He comes to us from Harlingen, Texas and has a wealth of knowledge to share!  He has been in housing for over 21 years and is very experienced in housing growth and development.  He will be a wonderful addition to the community and BHA.  He has some amazing ideas and plans for partnerships with the city to ensure that the two agencies can work together to bring positive change and expansion for the community.  

I want to thank the amazing Commissioners for all they have done for the agency and for our community!  I want to especially thank the Board chairperson, Ms. Fran Parent for the many years she has served the BHA as a Commissioner and the Board chairperson!  She has given so much of herself to this goal of safe and secure housing for the Baytown Community.  She is to be commended for her years of dedication.  All the Commissioners are volunteers who care deeply for our families and who have given selflessly of their time to help the families we serve.  

I have experienced many challenges and lessons, joy and heartache over the years, but I have made it to this time of retirement and my new journey in life.  Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to serve the citizens of Baytown!